الجمعة، 11 يناير 2013

Fact Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah, Amir of Kuwait hidden

Why, Sabah funded Shiite militias through intermediaries ááßćíĘíä Shiites to kill the Iraqi people and divided them in 2003 and even those of our fellow Sunnis and Kurds have given no indications welcoming them on the other hand supports financially and logistically Nouri al-Maliki and come to some politicians petty Drifters enslaved by Iran or the dollar .. All this want to take revenge for the invasion in 90? Who have passed 22 years or do you want revenge from all the Iraqis for the crime of Saddam Hussein? Or want to just Western governments and peoples you with political weight in the region and they live strategic ally? Or do you want to steal the Kuwaiti and Iraqi oil together Bkhiantek nation assumes you? You bring Moqtada al-Sadr and Ammar al-Hakim and ask them not to stand against Nouri al-Maliki interrogators months ago and pay them money and material inducements? Are you happy when I went to Iraq and hearing in one of Saddam Hussein's palaces and this is your medication and treatment for psychological illness of hatred for Iraqis as an excuse hatred for Saddam? You are the first six fugitives day invasion Wallis with your government and parliament or fleeing their country with all their possessions? You are one of the first six of the genus Persians Iranian support for the rule in the future, and from 1970 until 1980 they got was a thorn in the home and fabric Kuwaiti perfume? You are the first six of the seizure of power in Kuwait by the Kuwait editor of Saddam's invasion in 1990, Sheikh Saad Al-Abdullah Al-Salem Al-Sabah? You and six Iranians loyal naturalized you on your hands and some steel from some tribes and the Arab diaspora who gathered together around you from the seventies either by law or religion and exploited or naturalization and religious interests and material inducements? All this and you are not or Sabah family cause you mental illness and sensitivity that your brother Jaber al-Ahmad al-Sabah of the father and mother of the family precious morning? Six that the first Alsaktin killed former defense minister of atomic Mubarak Branch Salem and extract a death certificate for him and other some senators morning competitors you governance in Kuwait excuse if Wafa E-stop session Alamueh or cardiac Awoowo and you kill them use of the chemical itself, which used Saddam Hussein for his opponents which make man dies after 24 hours and have no apparent impact? Do you think you are your support for Nouri al-Maliki will Bahdk border demarcation with the Iraqis? Or strangle Iraq's economy in the Sinai port of Mubarak the Great? And infringe on the pilot paintings between the borders of Kuwait and Iraq from the eighties to increase the space? And deny knowledge of this matter during the rule of brother Jaber al-Ahmad al-Sabah perfume? Not fancied the demarcation of the border in the covenant? Because Great Britain not Taof this matter when it was truncated Kuwait from Iraq during the rule of the Ottomans? Six are the first to go out and mediate to try Tfjiralkaabh honorable Balosmaninat? Six are the first to make the law punished by imprisonment significant time periods for your critics and opponents thought your actions through the media Aubin people? Pain makes punishment for self شاتم Domanial converging is the same punishment for cursing God and the prophets? You are the first six recommended the شاتم escape Prophet launcher from Kuwait to Britain and not to claim item either by bringing the British authorities if there is issues only after dropping Kuwaiti nationality and obtained British citizenship? Six are nominated for the Kuwaiti Council of Ministers of the primary does not carry a certificate does not know to read and write so as not Anavsk honorary degree that you took for money paid for her ... Oh ignorant morning? And before that nominated him as defense minister and the scandal resounding arms deals with Western companies, especially the French are still in recent memory? Why do not you naturalization of people who are Twajaddahm 30 years old or older and give them the right to obtain Kuwaiti nationality. All this because their Arab origins? Atkhav O Sabah al-Ahmad al history to remember that Kuwait's independence was signed in the era of Mubarak Al-Sabah, in India with British delegate witnesses sons Dashti? Partial independence which governs Mubarak Al-Sabah of Kuwait internally and the British government's foreign policy? Or forget the people and history that time the so-called independence of Kuwait try to bring down the Ottoman Empire by the West and Britain, which had ruled most of the Arab world, from Egypt to Iraq? Your plan will not succeed enslaving the Kuwaiti people and humiliated and steal its wealth would bring the jinn and mankind together? And the rest of us with you in the future remind people

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